EA & HAM Club, NIT Warangal
7 min readSep 23, 2021


pip install multisim nitw ea and ham

In this detailed guide we will see what MULTISIM is and its actual use cases. We will also take you on a step by step process on how to use MULTISIM.This is the fourth article after Cadence virtuoso, of the series PIP INSTALL. If you want to know more about MULTISIM, checkout the additional resources we have included at the end of the article.

Here’s What we will learn in this Article.

1.Introduction to NI MULTISIM

2.Uses and Applications of MULTISIM

3.How to install MULTISIM


5.Extra Resources

1.Introduction to NI MULTISIM

Multisim is an industry-standard, best-in-class SPICE simulation environment. It is the cornerstone of the NI circuits teaching solution to build expertise through practical application in designing, prototyping, and testing electrical circuits.It is industry standard SPICE simulation and circuit design software for analog, digital, and power electronics in education and research.Multisim software integrates industry-standard SPICE simulation with an interactive schematic environment to instantly visualize and analyze electronic circuit behavior.

Its intuitive interface helps educators reinforce circuit theory and improve retention of theory throughout the engineering curriculum. By adding powerful circuit simulation and analyses to the design flow, Multisim helps researchers and designers reduce printed circuit board (PCB) prototype iterations and save development costs.


Multisim was originally called Electronics Workbench and created by a company called Interactive Image Technologies. At the time it was mainly used as an educational tool to teach electronics technician and electronics engineering programs in colleges and universities.

In 1999, Multisim was integrated with Ultiboard after the original company merged with Ultimate Technology, a PCB layout software company.

In 2005, Interactive Image Technologies was acquired by National Instruments Electronics Workbench Group and Multisim was renamed to NI Multisim.

2. Uses and Applications of MULTISIM

Analyses and Simulation-

  • Interactive Simulation
  • DC Operating Point
  • AC Sweep
  • DC Sweep
  • Noise Analysis
  • Monte Carlo Analysis
  • Fourier Analysis
  • Distortion Analysis
  • Sensitivity Analysis
  • Temperature Sweep


Semiconductor Analysis Applications

Multisim combines an industry-leading simulation engine with a library of accurate devices from various semiconductor manufacturers for in-depth analysis of a broad range of applications.

Aerospace and National Research Applications

Multisim has proven success in a wide range of aerospace and national research applications including avionics equipment for data acquisition, communication applications, and the design of electronics for defense systems.

Low-Frequency Circuit Design for RF Applications

Multisim and Ultiboard provide RF engineers with easy-to-use tools to quickly complete complex designs and prototypes with microwave and high-frequency components.

Automotive Electronics Applications

Leading worldwide car manufacturers, multinational automotive part suppliers, as well as small and medium enterprises develop car electronics faster with Multisim and Ultiboard.

3. How to install MULTISIM

Go to www.multisim.com and first create an account.

Next go to the Multisim Download — NI and click on the download button.

Once the download is complete ,open the setup and accept all the license agreements to start the installation process.

Once the installation is complete,reboot your computer.

Go to the NI Circuit Design Suite ,download the zip file and extract.

Later go to the installed folder “NI Circuit Design” .

For Serial Number, navigate to the ni-license-activator in the Crack folder choose the option ‘Generate Serial Number’ and copy it.

Now,run the setup file and enter the Serial Number just copied,select all the features to install and proceed.

Once the final installation is done ,activate the licences in ni-license-activator.


Now that we have installed the MULTISIM,let’s try to simulate a circuit.

a. Inverting Amplifier using OP-Amp

In the Place Menu,Select Component and search for ‘LM741CM’ which is a general purpose operational amplifier.

From the right hand side menu select Function Generator,Oscilloscope and Bode Plotter.

Select Resistors and add them to the circuit.

Now, add DC Power and Ground.

Connect all the negative terminals to ground and connect +Vcc and -Vee accordingly with DC Power Source.

Now connect resistors with OP-Amp terminals as per the connections in an Inverting Amplifier.

Now connect the signal input to the inverting terminal and connect input & output signals wire to Oscilloscope and Bode Plotter.

The circuit diagram should look similar to the diagram shown above.

Tip- While having connections with terminals in Oscilloscope or Bode Plotter, make sure to have different wire colors, to distinguish waveforms to be observed. The reason being that the color of the waveform on the plot will be the same as the wire color.

To change wire colour,right click on the wire and select option Segment color

Now select a suitable waveform type,frequency and amplitude in the function generator.

Once you run the simulation in interactive mode,we can observe the input and output waveform in the oscilloscope. We can adjust the timebase and scale accordingly.The red waveform represents output waveform and blue waveform represents the input waveform.

While in the grapher view we can see the Gain Characteristics in Bode Plotter option.

By right clicking on the plot,we can enable grid options too.

Later select the cursor option after right clicking and drag it,moving the cursor to a gain value which is roughly 0.707 times that of maximum gain.

The X-axis will provide us with the bandwidth.

Hence, we can calculate the Gain Bandwidth Product of the OP-Amp.

So,for the given example , Gain-Bandwidth product will be 9.9994*91.2567*10³ = 91.2512*10⁴.

This product remains constant for the given OP-Amp with any gain.

b. Verification of TTL NAND Gate 74LS00

Fig. Pinout of TTL 74LS00

In the Place Menu,Select Component and search for ‘74LS00D’.

Then add DC Power and Ground to the circuit.

For Inputs,choose the component ‘INTERACTIVE_DIGITAL_CONSTANT’.

For Output,choose component PROBE.

Next Check for the pin diagram of IC 74LS00,and accordingly make the connections for testing the functionality of the NAND gate.

The circuit diagram should look similar to the diagram shown above.

Case-1: 00


A = 0, B = 0, Y = 1

Case-2: 01


A = 0, B = 1, Y = 1

Case-3: 10


A = 1, B = 0, Y = 1

Case-4: 11


A = 1, B = 1, Y = 0

5.Extra Resources

This Article is a part of the PIP INSTALL series by EA and HAM club at NIT, Warangal. If you are a software enthusiasts we have a good news for you, there are several more articles lined up to be posted. To stay updated, Subscribe to our Mailing letter and follow us on Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook



EA & HAM Club, NIT Warangal
EA & HAM Club, NIT Warangal

Written by EA & HAM Club, NIT Warangal

A group of techies who love to explore new domains of technology which aims to attain and impart the knowledge.^BlogsCANbeAgreatWAYtoexchangeKNOWledge^

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